IPack is another popular and easy way to install custom icons in Windows machines. Please note that this version is only compatible with Windand higher. Windows 10 icons are also available in.I recommend this method for easier setup. This way you can this theme with 1 click. You can use the automated installer versions such as 7TSP or iPack format.You can use these icons to manually change the icons in Windows 10. You can download the Windows 10 Icons ZIP file which has all the new icons in the.The new Windows 10 icons are available for use in a variety of formats depending on how you want to set them up. Microsoft is currently testing the updated UI in the Insider Preview and it will take some time for coming. Here in this article you can download windows 10 build 21343 icons pack in zip file. So finally Microsoft is changing their icons list. If you’re using Windows 10 for while you can see their a lot of time they made no changes in icon pack. Microsoft is going to launch Windows 10 Build 21343 with new icon packs which looks fresh and all of them set by default.