Ternary diagram of feldspars

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The functions assume certain names for the grain types, and these must match exactly. The data should be set up in a data frame, with columns for the grain types, and samples in rows. See my previous post on making ternary diagrams to understand how to use those functions. Source code for this project is contained in sandstoneProvenance.r, and the source code for making ternary diagrams ( ternary.r) is also required. A single function, provenancePlot(), is used to create all of these plots. I’ve created R code for making the four most common of these ternary diagram provenance plots. The provenance or plate tectonic source of sandstones is commonly inferred from point counts of their constituent grains (Dickinson and Suczek 1979). 31 October 2016 Updated 7 December 2018 to allow for more grain types and faster plotting.

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